Puzzle Junkies – Win a Plant!
January 4, 2011
Our “Name That plant, Win That Plant” game is popular, but for those of you who aren’t good at identifying plants from photos, maybe this new contest will help you add some plants to your collection.
Unscramble the two words describing the type of plant pictured and you’ll win that plant! You don’t need to know what type of plant it is (although it might help) – just be the first to post the correct answers to both words in the comments below or on Facebook and you’ll win!
1) cetuslcun
2) calogimusuin

Contest Rules: Leave a comment on Facebook or the Garden Blog with your answer. The person with the first correct answer will win the plant pictured. The winner will be announced on the Estates Garden Blog and on Facebook. Plants must be picked up from the Edison and Ford Winter Estates within 7 days of contest end (and, no, we can’t ship them!). If you have won previously, please wait 60 days before guessing again.