Need a drought tolerant plant for your Florida garden? Try a Bulbine
May 6, 2011
Bulbine (Bulbine frutescens, Burn Jelly Plant).
We have a great new plant available at the gardens and it is a relative newcomer to the gardening industry in the last few years. It is the perfect choice for the homeowner who wants a very low maintenance and drought tolerant option.
The leaves of the Bulbine produce a jelly-like juice (similar to Aloe) that is wonderful natural treatment for burns, rashes, insect bites, cracked lips and cold sores.
The Bulbine makes a great ground cover since each plant will grow to form a clump that can reach up to four feet wide. This clumping habit also makes Bulbine a great pass along plant. The succulent, grass-like foliage grows to about 12 to 18 inches tall with flower spikes reaching two feet.

Caring for your Bulbine frutescens:
- Watering your Bulbine is not needed in the rainy season, but supplemental watering every two weeks may be needed in the dry season.
- Suited for growing in Zones 9-11 and is hardy to the low 20’s.
- Grows best in well drained soil, but is very tolerant of poor dry soil.
- Needs little attention or special treatment.
- Drought tolerant.
- Can be used in a container garden.
- Plant your new Bulbine in a sunny location with 6 to 8+ hours of sun.
A group planting of Bulbine will make a striking and low cost addition to your SW Florida garden. The Edison and Ford Winter Estates currently has Bulbine available for purchase in one gallon containers in our Garden Shoppe.