Love Letter Wine Box | Wedding Ceremony Ideas
September 3, 2013
Here’s a wedding ceremony idea that is sure to wet your guests’ eyes: Sealing the wine box with love letters or vows.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom should take time to write a letter to themselves explaining what it is they love so much about their betrothed and why they are getting married. During the ceremony, it is explained to their guests and each private letter sealed and placed in a box with a bottle of wine. If ever the couple finds their relationship facing hardship, the box and the wine should be opened, and each should take a glass of wine their own letters and read them privately to remind themselves of their love and commitment. If the box remains unopened for 10 years, it should be opened in celebration on the couple’s 10th anniversary.

Alternatively, the couple can each write love letters to one another or write out their personalize vows. The box with a bottle of wine is sealed after the ring ceremony, and is placed in their home to serve as a reminder of their love and commitment to one another. They can open it on their 5th wedding anniversary, each reading the love letter or vows from the other, while enjoying the wine.